The Window Dr Repairs.

Condensation in blown misted double glazed Sealed Units

Condensation between the double glazed glass panes of sealed units is a common issue that many homeowners encounter. This misting or fogging not only obstructs the view but also indicates potential problems with the window's insulation. Understanding why sealed units blow or mist up with condensation is crucial for addressing the issue effectively.

What are Sealed Units?

Sealed units, also known as insulated glass units (IGUs), consist of two or more panes of glass separated by a spacer and hermetically sealed to form a single unit. The space between the glass panes is typically filled with air or a gas such as argon or krypton, which provides additional insulation.

Causes of Condensation:

  1. Failure of Sealant: Over time, the sealant used to bond the glass panes together can degrade, allowing moisture to penetrate the unit. This moisture can condense between the panes when temperatures fluctuate, leading to fogging or misting.
  2. Broken Seal: Physical damage or wear and tear can cause the seal between the glass panes to break, enabling moisture ingress. This often occurs due to extreme weather conditions or improper installation.
  3. Temperature Fluctuations: Sharp changes in temperature, such as moving from a heated interior to a cold exterior or vice versa, can create a temperature differential between the inner and outer panes, leading to condensation.
  4. Humidity Levels: High humidity levels inside the home can increase the likelihood of condensation forming within sealed units, especially if the windows are poorly insulated or if there is inadequate ventilation.

Solutions to Prevent Condensation:

  1. Replace the Sealed Unit: If the sealant has failed or the seal is broken, replacing the sealed unit may be necessary. The Window Dr, serving Chichester, Wittering, Selsey, Bognor Regis, and surrounding areas, specializes in replacing blown or misted sealed units. They offer professional assessment and installation services to restore insulation and clarity to windows.
  2. Upgrade Insulation: Upgrading to energy-efficient windows with improved insulation properties can help prevent condensation by reducing temperature differentials between the glass panes. Low-emissivity (Low-E) coatings and gas fills enhance insulation and minimize heat transfer.
  3. Improve Ventilation: Proper ventilation is essential for controlling humidity levels indoors. Installing vents, exhaust fans, or air purifiers can help circulate air and reduce moisture buildup, thereby mitigating the risk of condensation.
  4. Regular Maintenance: Routine maintenance, including inspecting seals for signs of wear, cleaning window surfaces, and caulking gaps around frames, can prolong the lifespan of sealed units and prevent condensation.


Condensation between the glass panes of sealed units is a common issue caused by factors such as sealant failure, temperature differentials, and high humidity levels. Addressing this problem promptly is essential to maintain the functionality and aesthetics of windows in residential and commercial buildings. By understanding the causes of condensation and implementing appropriate solutions, homeowners can effectively prevent misting or fogging and ensure the longevity of their windows. For residents in Chichester, Wittering, Selsey, Bognor Regis, and surrounding areas, The Window Dr offers reliable services to replace blown or misted sealed units and restore the clarity of windows.

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